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Cures to common creative blocks

I’m always fascinated by why we don’t create. Why we never start or don't finish. Why ideas whisper in our ears for years but never see the light of day.
In my work with creatives over the years, and in bearing witness to my own creative process, I’ve seen the start-and-stop process a thousand times over.
What I've discovered is this: creative blocks are actually here to serve us.
They reveal to us our humanity, sensitivity, and vulnerability—the aspects of self that make our work soulful, human, and real. It's through our doubts, insecurities, and imperfections that we make work that's more interesting. That's more truthful. That's more honest.
The challenge is when we move into despair or paralysis—when progress is painful or stalled. This is an invitation to look more closely at what's blocking us so that we can keep making.
Here are cures to common creative blocks:
When facing feelings of “Not Good Enough,” try this:
Separate yourself from the work. Doubting yourself creates despair. Doubting the work—seeing what’s not there yet—can invite progress. Remember that feedback isn’t personal, it’s a pathway to excellence.
When facing Perfectionism, try this:
Give yourself permission to experiment and play. Learn to view mistakes as insights. Focus on the process of learning rather than the end result.
When facing the Fear of Judgment, try this:
Create freely first, consider your audience later. Once the work is complete, decide whether the desire to share is stronger than the desire to protect yourself. Creating for yourself and not sharing with others is okay too.
When facing Boredom & Burn Out, try this:
Create the thing you want to make, not the thing you think you should make. Create what moves, energizes & delights you. Take a break from the projects and ideas that are draining you.
When feeling Envy, try this:
Envy is a map—pointing you to what you want most. Consider what they have that’s meaningful for you to prioritize. Instead of thinking “it’s already been done,” think instead “it hasn't been done by me.”
Want to go deeper?
In the free writing workshop I hosted two weeks ago, I taught my go-to unblocking tool, which you can watch here at 39:58. The exercise will guide you to dialogue with your creative block to discover what it's trying to tell you & how you can work together. It's a major game-changer in my creative process.
Which creative block have you been challenged by lately? What's your next step?

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