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Be a bad writer

A common fear I hear from writers (and I fear I know all too well) is this:

What if the writing isn’t good enough? What if I’m a bad writer?

But the truth that “good” writers know is this:

  • “Bad” writing is a very important and necessary step in the writing process.
  • “Bad” first drafts lead to good second drafts and better third drafts.
  • “Bad” writing isn’t something to avoid. It’s something to embrace.

When I’m starting any new essay and resistance is high, I set a timer for fifteen minutes, and let this be my aim:

Write a bad draft. Better yet, write a brave draft.

I’ll ask myself: what is the most honest thing I can say here? And then I write it. Poorly. 🙂

“Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too. If she doesn't show up invited, eventually she just shows up."
Isabel Allende


When was the last time you gave yourself permission to be a bad writer? Can you start today?

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