Photo of Amber Rae in a field
A woman writing


Finish their books, get six-figure book deals, launch Substacks, boost their speaking careers, find their authentic voice, access their innate creativity, and more...

Give me a few hours & I'll have you writing the stories you long to tell. Starts May 1.

write more & feel good doing it.

On The Page with Amber Rae is a 30-day writing sprint that offers live writing calls, coaching, & community to help you write more than you ever thought possible. Say goodbye to fear, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, procrastination & all the reasons your writing isn't getting done.

Whether you're working on a book, a collection of essays, poems, a newsletter, or social posts—if you're craving structure, accountability & guidance around your writing practice—this container is for you.

write more than you ever thought possible.

It's time to...

Answer your call to write.

Fulfill your desire to create.

Find joy in creating your best work yet.

Craft stunning pieces that move you & others.

Gain the accountability, tools & practices to keep moving forward—no matter what comes up.

Feel supported, rather than alone, on your writing path.

Experience peace from doing what calls you.

Let's get writing.
Let's get writing.
Let's get writing.
Let's get writing.
How it works

The 30-day writing sprint starts on May 1 and ends on May 30. It consists of daily writing prompts, live weekly writing calls, weekly accountability, bi-weekly unblocking calls, a library of videos to help you blast through blocks, plus recommended resources (editors, book coaches, etc.) for continued support. We’ll complete the sprint with a celebration call on June 5 so you can share your writing & wins with the community.
30 Days of Writing Prompts
Wake up every morning to a writing prompt in your email inbox, designed to ivoke the muse.
Create a Writing Goal & Plan that Works for You
On our first call, I will guide you through a process to clarify what you'll achieve at the end of the 30 days, plus the daily and weekly writing practice that will support you in getting there. And, we'll do it in a way that feels good, not burdensome.
Live Weekly Writing Calls (5 calls)
The accountability to get your writing done. Calls are Wednesdays May 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. If you can't make every call live, no worries—you'll get the replay to watch on your own time.

Our writing calls, led by Amber, are 90 minutes with this general flow:

  • 3 20-minute writing sprints (60 minutes total) with prompts that help you access your most potent writing
  • 15 minutes of (optional) 1-on-1 breakout rooms to share your writing with other writers 
  • 15 minutes for introduction, close & group sharing
  • Inspired invitations to keep momentum around your writing
Bi-Weekly Alchemy Calls: Get Unblocked (2 calls)
Bring your blocks & get unstuck. Calls are Monday, May 13 and May 27 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. If you can't make every call live, no worries—you'll get the replay to watch on your own time.

Our alchemy calls are 90 minutes with this general flow:

  • Bring your creative blocks & areas of stuckness to the call, and I’ll spotlight you to offer coaching and breakthroughs
  • Think none of your writing is good enough? Afraid of putting yourself out there? Scared of getting too personal? Stuck on the 'big idea' of your story? Feeling burnt out? This is a safe space to be real about the points of resistance on your writing path. Blocks run in patterns so if you’re wrestling with it, chances are that someone else is, too. That’s why doing this in community is powerful.
    Weekly Accountability
    Email your pages in every Friday so you stay on track & meet your writing goals. And, you'll get a celebratory email back. (Optional but highly recommended.)
    Video Library to Blast Through Blocks
    Say goodbye to creative blocks and hello to meaningful progress. You'll get access to a library of block-specific videos that help you find clarity & relief in 3-5 minutes.

    Topics include:
    • Perfectionism
    • Procrastination
    • Fear of judgment & being seen
    • "I don't know what to write about"
    • Not enough time
    • When the writing doesn't feel good enough
    • "I don't know what I'm doing"
    • Imposter syndrome
    • Comparison & creative envy
    • Fear of writing about other people / what others think
    • & more
    Celebration Call to Share Your Writing & Wins
    On June 5, we'll share our writing & wins in a 90-minute celebration call.

    The flow:
    • 30 minutes of 1-on-1 breakout rooms to share in an intimate space
    • 60-minutes of group sharing & being seen
    Resources for Continued Support
    Recommended editors, book coaches, book proposal coaches, etc. to keep the momentum.

      who on the page is for

      • You have a writing project that you're ready to make progress on—be it a book, a collection of essays, poems, a newsletter series, a Substack, or social posts. All writers are welcome here!
      • You’re looking for accountability, structure & support to get the writing done, to create a writing practice that works for you, and to navigate the resistance that emerges along the way.
      • You want an intimate space to share your writing, get your burning questions answers & workshop ideas with a community of peers committed to their craft.
      Community Reviews

      What others are saying

      Jared Glenn

      Screenwriter & Novelist

      "I joined On The Page because I started a book and wasn't sure where to go with it. I finished the book by the class before the end; 88,000 words done. And I sent it off to my editor right before we started the final call...that was a giant win.

      I've always treated writing as a solo act and I never thought I had much to gain from engaging with others. I've learned that there's an incredible value to having people be part of the process."

      Whitney Bolster

      Founder & CEO of Ampersand

      "After 10 years of staring at a blank page, Amber unlocked my writing life again. She helped give my story rails that allowed me to build momentum and regain confidence. In so many ways, Amber gave me back to myself as a writer and human. Best investment I’ve made in a very long time with so much to show for it."

      Photo of Steven Pressfield
      Steven Pressfield

      New York Times bestselling author of The War of Art

      "Amber offers the boldest invitation of all: to be your truest self and pursue the calling that is yours and yours alone."

      Dagny Deutchman

      Storyteller, Educator & Guide

      "On The Page changed the way I feel about myself. I feel not only empowered to go share the way that I experience the world, but now have the tools and a roadmap of how to start doing that, and how to not get discouraged when it gets hard, and a community of people that I can reach out to and lean on. This program has made my world bigger in a way that not very many things have."

      Laura Lombardi

      Writer & Producer

      "I've taken many other writing classes, and this is the first time that I feel I actually got the tools I needed to move forward. I hadn't written beyond chapter one in ten years. I've now written pieces all the way through chapter nine."

      Jenny Albertini

      KonMari consultant & author of Decluttered

      "My writing was stuck in the very clinical nature of my former career when class started; I didn’t think I could or should write narratively to ‘get my point across.’ But the prompts, techniques, and SPACE  brought out these stories that showed the lessons and meanings I had been struggling to put on paper. These stories are now woven throughout my book and it’s just wild to see how much they’ve done to shape the tone and cadence of the work. And I know my publisher has been really happy."

      Natasha King

      Sustainability Educator & Speaker

      "In On the Page, it felt like we were being held and directed in a way that I have not gotten from other programs. I could see for the first time, this idea and this passion that I had for over two decades, right there on the page in front of me. And I said, 'Oh my God. This is possible. This is going to happen.'"

      Jenny Tan

      Scientist, artist & writer

      "On The Page was both practical and transformative. The lessons and exercises helped me build the practice to write the story I’ve been dreaming about for decades—from outline to now a complete draft of my graphic novel script. Amber’s mentorship and guidance, alongside the supportive OTP community, gave me the courage to trust myself and the empowering process of telling my story.”

      Why a 30-day sprint?

      A few months ago, I was finding every reason not to finish my book. I didn't have enough time. I had too many other projects needing my attention. And, more honestly, I was afraid.

      Afraid it wasn't good enough.

      Afraid I didn't have what it takes.

      Afraid I'm not the writer I aspire to be.

      Sick of my excuses, I created a 30-day sprint to finish my book. In the end, not only did I complete what I started, but I enjoyed it, and felt the deep satisfaction that comes with doing what matters so deeply to me.

      30 days is enough time to get s*** done. Sprints also help create a system of action, accountability, momentum, and support. That's why I’m creating this container for you to write more than you ever thought was possible.


      Hey, I’m Amber rae.

        A photo of Amber Rae

      Writing is a team sport.

      There’s a myth that our best writing happens in isolation. But I’ve learned the hard way that sitting alone in a room, staring at a blinking cursor is not the best way to get my writing done. Having mentorship and community to bounce ideas, write my truth, hear what resonates, and work through blocks provides accountability and support so that my writing practice can thrive. If you’ve got a book in you, or stories you long to tell, and you’re tired of going at it on your own, On The Page is perfect for you.

      My experience

      International Bestselling Author

      I’m the bestselling author of Choose Wonder Over Worry, which has been translated into eight languages, plus The Answers Are Within You, and The Feelings Journal.

      Mentored 1000+ Writers

      I’ve guided thousands of writers to get writing, and I’ve helped more than a dozen clients get six-figure book deals.

      Seth Godin Alum

      I helped Seth Godin start a publishing imprint with Amazon, where I supported authors like Steven Pressfield and Derek Sivers to edit and market their books.

      Global Reach

      My writing and illustrations reach millions of people per month in nearly 200 countries, and my work has been featured in The New York Times, NYMag, TODAY, SELF, Forbes, and Entrepreneur.

      Embodied Wisdom

      I’ve invested over $150K in book coaches, editors, publicists, designers, and mentors—to help me pave my path as a published author. These insights & learnings are woven into this program.

      Investment options

      Two levels of support

      THE sprint


      3 PAYMENTS:
      PAY IN FULL:
      $1,297 (save $200)
      What's included

      Weekly live writing calls

      5 live writing calls with Amber to get your most important writing done

      Blast through Blocks

      2 live "Alchemy Calls" to help you overcome resistance and get unstuck 

      A library of 3-5 minute videos to blast through common blocks

      Support & Accountability

      Daily writing prompts to spark flow

      A weekly distraction-free space to prioritize your writing & get your butt in the chair (no more excuses!)

      Opportunities to meet writers and share your writing with them

      A community & mentor to lean on for support, insight & encouragement

      the fine print
      Live video calls are at 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm CET / 7am AEDT on Tuesdays & are 60 minutes long

      These are with you, me, and the rest of the Alchemy family. Join the meeting from anywhere in the world. Show up exactly as you are. If you can’t make a call—recordings will be available within 24 hours.

      1 spot left

      1-on-1 mentorship


      STARTS AT:
      *To ensure we’re the right fit, this is by application only.
      What's included

      Everything in the sprint, plus Amber as your 1-on-1 writing mentor, sounding board, and strategic thought partner—helping you to make your writing dreams come true.

      Custom-designed Journey

      Based on your hopes and dreams, areas of stuckness, and what you want to achieve in our time together, we'll create a custom mentorship plan to ensure that you reach your writing & publishing goals

      Who it's For

      If you have a big message & platform—and you're ready to get a six-figure book deal

      If you want dedicated support on clarifying your big idea and/or the writing, editing & finishing of your book

      If you have a Substack, newsletter, or writing project that you want to get off the ground—and you want strategic support & guidance

      the fine print
      Live video calls are at 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm CET / 7am AEDT on Tuesdays & are 60 minutes long

      These are with you, me, and the rest of the Alchemy family. Join the meeting from anywhere in the world. Show up exactly as you are. If you can’t make a call—recordings will be available within 24 hours.

      Community reviews

      more highlights

      Brooke Taylor

      Career Coach & Speaker

      “I worked with Amber to translate my ‘big idea’ and work into a book proposal. She was both mentor, editor, and guide, demystifying the publishing experience, breathing inspiration into my words, and really believing in my message. Her conviction and expertise gave me confidence as I proceeded to land both an incredible agent and a six-figure book deal with my dream publisher. Polished and professional as well as empathetic and passionate, Amber really met both my analytical and creative brain. I’m so grateful for her mentorship and coaching and can’t believe this book is coming to shelves September 2025!”

      Yina Huang


      "Whenever I’m feeling lost in my work, I turn to Amber. Her calm guidance has helped talk me off the ledge multiple times — whenever I think my writing is not good enough, when I have a fear of being seen, when I feel like I’m not growing fast enough — for any and all of my negative spirals, Amber has gently steered me back to what is most important: the writing and creative alchemy. I’ve worked on creative projects before, but this is the first time a project has moved forward without intense negative feelings that require immense effort to overcome. Without Amber, I would have already quit or burned out by now. I cannot give enough thanks to the space Amber holds for creative projects to flourish."

      Derek Sivers

      Entrepreneur & Author

      "Some rare people have a winning touch that gives you a feeling they're going to make a big difference. I've been around long enough to watch it come true every time. Amber is one of the rare ones, and everyone who's met her has felt it.”

      Christine Marie

      Healer & Guide

      "Amber creates such a loving and sacred container to just be who we are. That place of vulnerability allowed me to go that much deeper into my writing and authentic truth. One thing I loved about On The Page was the structure in which Amber Rae masterfully held for both our feminine and our masculine energies to come through...I've found in a lot of different programs that  there is either one or the other. There's not a really great merging of both. I was honestly so overtaken with awe at how she created that opportunity for us."

      Photo of Deepak Chopra
      Deepak Chopra

      Spiritual Icon & Bestselling Author

      “Amber Rae’s personal journey of moving from self limiting beliefs to her true self offers inspiring insights and lessons for anyone wanting to unfold their infinite potential.”

      Carrie Bancroft

      Writer, Retreat Leader & Recovering Marketer

      “In On The Page, I took risks as a writer that I wouldn’t be brave enough to take if I were in the solitude of my room. Every class felt like a warm bath and a cold shower for my soul, all at once: both heart-warming and inviting, as well as cleansing and invigorating.”

      River Johnson


      "I always say I'm a story collector. But now I feel like I'm transitioning into a storyteller. What drew me to On The Page and Amber as opposed to other writing programs is the level of authenticity that she offers. She shows up so authentically, so brave, so generously, that I said, okay this is someone that I want to be. I don't want to just learn the technical aspects of telling a story, I want to evolve as a person."

      Photo of Heather Zara
      Heather Zara

      CEO & Founder of Zara Creative

      Working with Amber was one of the best career decisions I've made to date. She is a powerful conduit of creativity, a wizard with words, and is a strategic force that intuitively knows how to bring a vision to life. Amber helped me get the ideas, concepts, and desires that were swirling in my mind for years into something alive and actionable. If you get the chance to work with her, do it.”

      Yung Pueblo

      New York Times bestselling author

      "Amber Rae reconnects you to a clear perspective so you can reclaim your power and allow the best version of yourself to come forward."

      Photo of Smiley Poswolsky
      Smiley Poswolsky

      3x Author & International Speaker

      "Amber is the person I turn to when I’m stuck or have a project that I’m trying to unleash. Her advice, energy, and wisdom are worth every dollar. Working with Amber is like standing under a waterfall of creative energy and flow: you know it’s going to be powerful and will take you where you need to go."


      When are the weekly calls?

      The program runs from May 1 - May 30. Live writing calls are on May 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. Alchemy calls (to get unblocked) are on Monday, May 13 and 27 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. Our final celebration call to share our writing & wins is on June 5 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET.

      If you can't make a call live, replays will be sent after each one.

      What can I expect to achieve at the end of the 30 days?

      On our first call, we will define your goal/intention and create a weekly writing practice that can support you in getting there. At the end of 30 days, you will:

      1. Reach your writing goal — no matter what resistance you face.  
      2. Create a writing practice that works for you.
      3. Gain a mentor & writing community that will cheer you on and support your work.
      4. Have a safe space to experiment & "try things on" in your writing practice so you can strengthen your writing, explore new territory in your stories, and find what brings you into a flow state.
      5. Experience the joy, pleasure & peace that comes from committing to your writing practice.

      Will there be a Whatsapp or community space so I can connect with the writers?

      Yes! We use Substack to post our call replays, and start threads/conversations so you can connect with other writers. This also helps you get to know a platform that's designed for writers to publish their work & get paid.

      How many people will be enrolled in the sprint?

      We’ll have an intimate classroom size group, with optional 1-on-1 break-out rooms for deeper connection & sharing on our weekly calls. This means you'll get your questions answered from Amber, and you'll get to connect with the other writers in the room.

      Will it be safe for me to share my heart & writing with this community?

      Safety is near and dear to my heart, and highly considered in the design of this workshop. I understand wholeheartedly that baring one’s truth on the page is no easy feat. We must feel safe in order for our voice to surface and be seen. At the heart of On the Page are these community guidelines: safety, inclusion, acceptance, love, respect, and curiosity. 

      We uphold these values through these guidelines, which are inspired by Amherst Writers & Artists: 

      Confidentiality: what’s shared in group stays in the group.

      Write where you feel called to go: exercises are suggestions & questions are doorways. If you have your own plan, or write something that is unrelated to the writing prompt offered, you’ve still “done it right.” The most important thing is that you do the writing that you feel most strongly drawn to in the moment.

      Share when you want to share: after we write together, we’ll read aloud what we’ve written in break-out rooms or as a group. These break-out rooms are optional, and if you'd prefer to keep writing, do as you please. At all times, you may refrain from sharing your work aloud.

      Feedback focuses on the strengths in the work: No criticism, suggestions, or questions are directed toward the writer in response to first-draft, just-written work—unless they ask for constructive feedback. With giving feedback, we focus on what was strong for us, what moved us, what we liked, what stayed with us. That way, when we go to do our edits, we’ll know what’s working for our readers. A thorough critique is offered when the writer asks for it, and once the writer is past the "brave first draft."

      What stage of the writing process is this program best for?

      If you have a specific writing project in mind (a book, a collection of essays, a Substack, social posts, poems, etc.) and you’re ready to get writing and get support when resistance arises—this workshop is for you. All writing projects are welcome.

      I don’t identify as a writer just yet, but I want to get writing—is this for me?

      I'm a big believer that a writer is someone who writes. So, yes, if you're ready to write—you are most definitely welcome. This workshop will help you get comfortable owning that part of you. All writers and all levels are welcome here.

      Will this program help me move past blocks & resistance?

      Absolutely. The biggest resistance of all is getting your tush in the chair and having someone/something to keep you going. I’ve designed the workshop to serve that goal. We also will have dedicated "Alchemy Calls" where writers step into the "hot seat" and receive live coaching & support from me. You'll also have lifetime access to a library of videos that'll help you blast through common writing & creative blocks in just 3-5 minutes.

      Can I expect to write a book or complete a writing project in the 30 days?

      Writing is a journey. At the end of 30 days, you’ll complete the sprint having made significant progress with the momentum to keep going. Whether or not your project is complete depends entirely on the scope of your project, the time you have available for it, and your goals. Together we'll set goals and create a feel-good writing plan on Day 1 of the program.

      Is this format of On The Page different from last year?

      On The Page is a writing container that ranges in length and format.

      In 2023, On The Page was a 12-week journey focused on the writing, editing & publishing process.

      This year—based on needs and wants I heard from writers & what inspired me to finish my fourth book—I've created a 30-day sprint focused on get the writing done & moving past resistance.

      Will you be recording the live calls? Is it okay if I have to miss a live call?

      Calls will be recorded and sent to you after each one. Our sprint is interactive, so attending live is recommended, but don't worry if you can't make every call live. You'll have the chance to submit your questions in advance when you can't join live and you'll have the recordings to watch on your own time.

      Will you be offering editorial and book coaching resources after the sprint?

      Yes! I have incredible editing and book coaching resources that I will be sharing, should you want to work with an editor or coach after the completion of our program.